ڽ (1 Course Europe) ø ء (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), (Lady Godiva) ݷ ձ (Belgium), . , ״ ״ ١ ״(Kingdom of the Netherlands, Holland), SBS Ρ Կ ü(?eska Republika), սθũ հ(Haus Habsburg) Ʈ(Osterreich), ˾ ȦڽƮ(Holocaust) (Լ, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Germany), θ Ѵ(All roads lead to Rome) Ż(Repubblica Italiana), 迡 , Ƽĭ ñ(, Vatican City State), ġ (Hedgehog s dilemma) ߸(ء) (Swiss Confederation), ź ŷ! ĸ ı(Paris syndrome) (France), tvN ɺ ҹ衯 (Spain), ؽô(Era das Grandes Navegacoes, Age of Discovery) (Portugal), ģ (Northern Europe) 3 (Sverige), 븣(Kongeriket Norge), ũ(Kongeriget Danmark) , ƽþ ƴ Ű(Turkey) . Ź TTN Korea ڽ (1 Course Europe) ø Բ , õ, ϵ ! B ڽ (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) ø(7) ڽ 001 ۵ ڽ 002 ڽ 003 ڽ 004 ڽ 005 ڹ & ̼ ڽ 006 ŷ ڽ 007 23 ڽ (Belgium) (1) ڽ 008 ڽ ״(Netherlands) Ͻ(2) ڽ 009 ״ Ͻ ڽ 010 ״ Ͻ ڹ ڽ ü(?eska Republika)(7) ڽ 011 ü ڽ 012 ü ӽŹ ڽ 013 ü 12 ڽ 014 ü üŰ ũ ڽ 015 ü Ʈ ȣ ڽ 016 ü üŰ ũ & Ʈ ȣ ڽ 017 ü 34 Ź TTN Theme Travel News Korea 2012 ù å źд缱 ̵ϡ ̷ 400 ȹ Ⱓ ۺ(Digital Contents Publisher)Դϴ. پ о ۰ Բ Ű ̵ ڽ(1 Course), (Counting the Stars at Night), 信 Ǯ(Onederful) پ ϰ , ι 缭 (Knowledge s Ark) ̺(Bible of Knowledge), ǿ뼭 (1 Shot) IT(IT Rocket) ̰ ֽϴ. ְ & ִ ڶϴ Ź TTN Korea Բ , õ, ϵ ĿϽñ! Ź TTN Theme Travel News Korea editor@themetn.com www.themetn.com www.fb.com/themetn www.twitter.com/themetn Bookstore APP https://goo.gl/3qeeZu
-ǻ ߹ϡǥ ۰(http://www.badventure.kr) -ķ۽ Ʈ 3 ȹ / ķ۽ؼ - 迩⡶ķ۽ ౺϶Ⱓ(2010) -KBS ູ ǡ ϳ ͱ۴/ а Ư -ũƮ/Ѿ ȸ ༭ ȹ Ⱓ
ڽ ø(1 Course Series) 7 16 Ű д ڽ (1 Course Europe) ø 5 Ű д ü Ʈ ȣ(Kutna Hora) 01. Hotel Duo & 02. (Wenceslas Square, Vaclavske nam?sti) : Ʈ 03. Jan Palach and Jan Zajic memorial(Pamatnik Jana Palacha a Jana Zajice) 04. ڹ(Narodni muzeum) 05. Ʈ ȣ(to Kutna Hora) 06. Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the Baptist(Chram Nanebevzeti Panny Marie) 07. ذ(鷹 , Kostnice Sedlec) 08. Ÿ ٹٶ (St Barbara s Church, Chram svate Barbory) 09. Elementary school Kutna Hora(Zakladni ?kola Kutna Hora) 10. (to Praha) 11. (Wenceslas Square, Vaclavske nam?sti) 12. ̽(Ice Pub) 13. ڹ(Torture Museum, Museum st?edov?kych mu?icich nastroj?) 14. ī(Charles Bridge, Karl?v most) 15. (Pra?sky hrad) ڽ (1 Course Europe) (008) Ź TTN Korea (445)