£ ͺ ۷ι ô뿡 ־ ܼ MBA ڵ µ ־ ſ ǹ ִ ϴ ڸ ҽϴ. GE International ι åڷ ȯ Ⱓ ܱ ֿ ڵ鿡 ְ ̾߱⸦ å . ܼ Ƿ Ѿ Ŀ´̼ ϰ Ȱ ϴ° Ѵ. ȿ̰ ȭ ħ ȸ п Ϸ Ѵ.
ȯ GE International ι åڷ ȯ ״ ѱ ǥ Ͽ Ⱓ ֿ ܱ ȫ 뿡 پ ҽϴ. , ī̽Ʈ 濵п ѱմп ʺ/ӱμ ϸ غϴ л ġμ Ȱϰ Ȱϰ ִ. ٱ Ͻ Ŀ´̼ ȸ Speak First Business Communication ġμ ٱ communication skill Ī ϰ ֽϴ. - б - б п ( ) - London Business School (繫) - б ڻ - ) KAIST 濵п Ӱ (Business Communication) - ) մп ӱ (Business Communication) - Rabobank ѱ 繫 ǥ - EFG ѱ ǥ - General Electric (GE) International Corporate/Structured Finance - ) Sapientia Job Impact ġ
åҰ ϸ - SWOT - Top 50 job interview FAQ - Why did you (do you want to) leave your last (current) job? - Do you consider yourself successful? Why do you say that? - Do You Know Who Works for Us - What is your expected salary - Are you a team player? - How long will you stay with us if we hire you? - what does work mean to you? - What is your hobby? - Have you ever been fired? - Why would you be an asset to our company? - Give us an example that you were able to implement an idea that led to a result - What is your greatest strength - Did you have any problem with your co-workers? - What is your ideal job? - What would your boss/collegues say about you in terms of your strength - What would your boss say about you in terms of your weakness? - What makes you to think that he/she is a good/bad boss? - What was your most memorable job disappointment and why? - Where do you get the job satisfaction? - How does your experience match this job? - What is your ability to work under pressure? - What brings out your best on the job? - Did you have any problem with your boss? - What are your views on working hours in terms of overtime? - What have you learned from your mistake? Can u give us an example? - If you were to hire someone for this position, what would you look for? - What is your career plan and how does this position fit in? - What has been your biggest professional disappointment? - What qualities do you look for in a boss? - Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job - Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute - What position do you prefer on a team working on a project? - Describe your management style - How would spend your first three months at our company if you joined us? - Where do you find sense of reward on the job? - If you decided to leave your current company and join us, will that create any problems? - What immediate benefits do you bring to us? - What was the most difficult moment throughout your career? - What is your passion for the extracurricular activities - What was your biggest professional achievement so far? - Is there anything else youd like to tell us about yourself? - Tell me more about your academic background? - Do you have any question for me? 100 100 Copyright