å MBA, Ǵ AICPA Ͽ ȸ Թ ϱ Ư ۵ ƮԴϴ. å ٸ å Ǵ ȸ θ 䳢 Ѳ ֵ Ư ۵Ǿٴ Դϴ. ۷ι ô뿡 ִ Ƿ ȸ ʹ ʼԴϴ. ΰ ÿ ذ ִٸ .
ȸ踦 Ͽ ܱ Ǵ ܱε Ŀ´̼ ȵǴ ε鿡 ȼ åԴϴ. Ư ̱ CPA ǻ ϰ ϴµ ؾ ô пԵ ſ ϴ. , AICPA ϰ ϴµ ȸ ڽ е鿡Ե ϴ. ٵ ˱ ǥ ǾǷ б⸸ ص ȸ迡 ⺻ ֽϴ. ڴ Ʈ "ȸ dzƮ" ̱ մϴ.
Before Beginning
Family Financials vs Corporate Financials
Anotomy of Financial Statements
Debit and Credit; Not That Difficult
Terminology - Road to Seccess
Accounting Practice with A Rice Cakes Shop
Income Statements Analysis
You must Know the Accounting Process
Adjusting, Adjusting, Adjusting
What is Trial Balance
Finally Closing the Books
What is Post-Closing Trial Balance
Sometimes Reversing is Good