ȭ ȸ Ǵ پ ¸ ϴ ó 츮 ȸ ġ ȭ ȸ 巯 £ Ƴ ̴. å ȭ ̵ ϴ , ü ٸ ȭ , ȭ ֿ ̽μ ü ī̺, 캻. Ư ѱ ȸ ʿ ߾ ̵ ȭ ġ ȭ ϴ İ ѱ ȸ ü Ӱ ϴ ĵ鵵 ŽѴ. ̸ ѱ ӿ α⸦ ȭ 캸 ̵- ȭ Ǹ ִ.
бб ʱк . б ̱ üʹб ȭа ߴ. ѱ ȭ ü̷, ȭ ߽ , м ټ ǥߴ. ֿ Talking Hospitality and Televising Ethno?national Boundaries in Contemporary Korea(Television & New Media, 2018), Embracing Postcolonial Potentiality; New Faces of Japanese Collaborators in Contemporary Korea(Spaces of Possibility: In, Between, and Beyond Korea and Japan, 2016), Kyung?Sung: the Cinematic Memories of the Colonial Past(Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 2015), Narrating in the Sonorous Envelope(Journal of Popular Film & Television, 2013) ִ.