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ܰǻ硯 Ʈ ڻ ȭ 伭
Ʈ ڻ ʿ ηַ 28Ⱓ ߵ ī ·ο ε鿡 Ƿᱸȣ ģ ε̴. ״ 1994 Ƿü ̸(EMERGENCY) Ͽ 迡 Ƿ 17 60 Ƿü ϸ 800 ´.
ȭȸ ų η ȭο ̲ ι Ͽ û ϸ 2017 2, 2ȸ ȭ ûĿ ذ η Ż ܰǻ Ʈ ڻ Ű ڻ縦 ڷ Ͽ.
Ư Ʈ ڻ ΰ ġ Ǹ 絵 η αǡ̶ ų ֱغڵ鿡 ġḦ Ͽ α ķ 弱 Ǿ 2ȸ ȭ ϰ Ǿ.
ȭ ⸮ ϱ ̽ Ǿ. ڴ η ̶ (), (), () ų ηü Ǽ Ͽ. ȭ η 뿡 ̾ ̶ ſ ⺻ Եȴ. ȭ ȭ ſ ʰ ̷α Ȯ ο ȭ Ǿ. ̰ 츮 ̷ ȭ غؾ ϴ, åǽ ϱ ̱ ϴ. ̷ η ̷ ϴ 鿡 ϰ װ ϱ 伭 ȹϰ ⰣϿ.
Chapter 1. Battlefield Surgeon
The Holocaust isnt over
Determined to become a surgeon at the battlefield
Scourge of the Green Parrots
The reality of refugee camps
What defines a war surgeon?
Chapter 2. EMERGENCY on the Most Tragic Frontline
The three principles of EMERGENCY
On the frontline of the worlds tragedies
The best center for cardiac surgery in Africa
Building special medical facilities across Africa
EMERGENCY to save childrens lives
Beyond surgery: the path to rehabilitation and self-reliance
Restoring peoples lives
The ultimate goal: the day when the world does not need EMERGENCY
Chapter 3. Changing Perspectives Is the Beginning of Peace
Treatment without discrimination
Medicine is not a business
Opposing the production of anti-personnel mines
Wishing for a world without war
Humanitarian of the 21st century
Chapter 4. The Sunhak Peace Prize for Future Generations
The Sunhak Peace Prize award ceremony
Major achievements
Acceptance speech
World Summit speech
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