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Ӵϡ Ű ڻ ȭ 伭
Ͻź ڶ ̱ Ű ڻ ڱ ε ΰ ã Ͽ ؿԴ. ׳ Ͻź ̷Ӹ ƴ϶ ó ٺ ذϷ ־ ̴.
ȭȸ ų η ȭο ̲ ι Ͽ û ϸ 2017 2, 2ȸ ȭ ûĿ ذ η Ű ڻ Ż ܰǻ Ʈ ڻ縦 ڷ Ͽ.
Ư Ű ڻ ̷ ؼ ع̶ ų 1995 н(AIL) Ͽ 21Ⱓ 1,400 ο Ʒ Ǿ.
ȭ ⸮ ϱ ̽ Ǿ. ڴ η ̶ (), (), () ų ηü Ǽ Ͽ. ȭ η 뿡 ̾ ̶ ſ ⺻ Եȴ. ȭ ȭ ſ ʰ ̷α Ȯ ο ȭ Ǿ. ̰ 츮 ̷ ȭ غؾ ϴ, åǽ ϱ ̱ ϴ. ̷ η ̷ ϴ 鿡 ϰ װ ϱ 伭 ȹϰ ⰣϿ.
Chapter 1. From Peace into the Vortex of Tragedy
Peace in Afghanistan is now but a memory
A father's view on education
The treacherous refugee camps in Pakistan
Establishing the first refugee school with a Mullah
Chapter 2. Building Afghanistan's Future
Establishing the Afghan Institute of Learning
The underground schools
The Mobile Literacy Program
Meeting the needs of the communities
The teacher training programs
What about the boys?
Healthcare for mothers and children
Chapter 3. The Mother of Refugee Education
Education is the solution to the refugee crisis
Establishing an innovative model for refugee resettlement
Protecting women's rights
The Love and Forgiveness Conference
Radio Meraj
A legacy of peace for future generations
Help is needed from the entire world
Chapter 4. The Sunhak Peace Prize for Future Generations
The Sunhak Peace Prize award ceremony
Major achievements
Acceptance speech
World Summit speech
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