ҸŬ : Ҹ ǥ Ҹ Ŭ ȭ ڴ ο н ҸŬ Ȱ ϰ ְ, ҸŬͿ ѰܷȭͿ ϴ ¸ ؼ PRESENTATION α, ESSAY WRITING , INTERVIEW α ϰ л ο ٶ Ű ִ. : 1982 а , ´. 1990 ȣ б б ƽþ , ߴ. ѱ н ߸ ϰ, μ ο н з Ҹ , Ŭ Ѵ. Ҹ Ҹ Ŭ ȭ , ڴ ҸŬ н Ŭ Ȱ ϱ н α ϰ ְ, װ ͳ Ȩ www.soriclub.com ϰ ִ. ( ݹڰ 7Ⱓ ü - ), ( WorkBook I, II) ִ.
Ӹ Unit 1 1. Why do you see rainbow colors in oily water? ( ⸧ ̳?) 2.Does it take more energy to keep an empty refrigerator cold than it does to keep a full refrigerator cold? ( ϴ ϴ ͺ Ⱑ ?) 3.How does the air bag work? ( ۵ϳ?) 4.Why does the ball go farther when it is hit with an aluminum bat? (˷̴ ̷ ġ ָ ư?) 5. Why is the sky blue? ( ϴ Ķ?) 6.How are rainbows made? ( ?) Review Unit 2 1.Why does a flame always burn upwards? ( Ҳ Ż?) 2.How are rechargeable batteries recharged? ( ɱ?) 3. Why do boomerangs come back to you? ( θ ٽ ƿñ?) 4. How do you make an atom bomb? ( ź ?) 5. Why does a spinning propeller or a wheel look like it is going backward? ( ִ 緯 ڷ ó ϱ?) 6. How does an X-ray photograph your bones but not the surrounding flesh? (X̴ ֺ ?) Review Unit 3 1. Is it true that the UK is sinking in the South East? ( ɰ ִ ϱ?) 2. How do you extract calcium from its ore? ( Į ϴ°?) 3. What are the biggest and smallest volcanoes? ( ū ȭ ȭ ?) 4. Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? ( ߴ°?) 5. What is the altitude of the Earths magnetic field and how strong is it? (ڱ ڱ Ǹ Ѱ?) 6. How can scientists measure the weight or mass of a planet? (ڵ ༺ Կ ұ?) Review Unit 4 1. How many square miles of the Earth are we able to live on? ( 츮 ִ ̳ ɱ?) 2. How did scientists name the dinosaurs? (ڵ ̸ ϱ?) 3. How do we know what is inside the earth? ( ȿ ִ ˱?) 4. How is the Earths magnetic field produced? ( ڱ ?) 5. How do volcanoes fill up? (ȭ ä?) 6. Do diamonds come from coal? (̾Ƹ ź ñ?) Review Unit 5 1. Why can dogs be fed vegetarian diet and cats cannot? ( ä Ḹ ⸦ ִµ, ̴ ?) 2. How is DNA used to identify a suspect? ( ſ Ȯϴ DNA Ȱұ?) 3. What is a headache? ( ϱ?) 4. Is it harmful to microwave food? ( ڷ ϰų طο?) 5. How do you get skin cancer from the sun? ( Ǻξ ų?) 6. How does HIV become AIDS? (HIV AIDS Ǵ°?) Review Unit 6 1. Why do racing cars have fat tires? ( ֿ Ÿ̾ ұ?) 2. How does a soft drink machine drop a can when you place money in it? ( û ڵ Ǹű ĵ ߸?) 3. How does a laser speed gun work? ( ǵ ۵ұ?) 4. Why does a car stop more quickly on a dry road than on a wet road? ( ο ο ұ?) 5. How do surgeons see the brain without cutting into it? (ܰ ǻ ʰ ?) 6. How do automated-teller machines (ATMs) work? ( ڵ ۵ұ?) Review Unit 7 1. Why do doughnuts have holes? (ӿ ?) 2. How much does it take to decide if we like someone? ( ϴ ƴ Ǵϴµ ð ɸ?) 3. Why are traffic lights red, yellow and green? ( ȣ , , ʷϻϱ?) 4. Why do we get a shock from electricity? ( ɱ?) 5. Is it possible to make artificial blood? (ΰ ұ?) 6. How do they select donors at a sperm bank? ( ڸ ұ?) Review