̵ The Railway Children(1906) ϰ ̾߱, ̵ ϰ ϰ ִ. ̰ ȭ Ʋ ϰ ̵ Ӹ ִ ״ ٶ ´ٴ ε ġ ô ӹ ߸ ǰ̴. ȭ, , ۵ ŭ ǰ ߿ ִ ǰ ް ִ.
ִϾ Ŭ ״ Ͽ ״ ֵ ȹ ۵ȭ ø̴. ȭ ̵ ǰ̶ Ư ϰ ϱ ϰ ִٴ нڵ鿡 簡 ִٴ ִϾ Ŭ Ŀٶ ̴.
۵ȭ ״ 鼭 Ƿ Ű ϼ ֱ⸦ ٶ.
Chapter 1. The beginning of things.
Chapter 2. Peter's coal-mine.
Chapter 3. The old gentleman.
Chapter 4. The engine-burglar.
Chapter 5. Prisoners and captives.
Chapter 6. Saviours of the train.
Chapter 7. For valour.
Chapter 8. The amateur firemen.
Chapter 9. The pride of Perks.
Chapter 10. The terrible secret.
Chapter 11. The hound in the red jersey.
Chapter 12. What Bobbie brought home.
Chapter 13. The hound's grandfather.
Chapter 14. The End.