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Growing Inequality and Its Impacts in Korea

Growing Inequality and Its Impacts in Korea

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Executive Summary
Introduction: Macro background to the inequality trends in Korea, 1980-2011.
The nature of Inequality and its Development over Time
The Social Impacts of Inequality
The political and cultural impacts
Effectiveness of Policies in Combating Inequality

Macro background to the inequality trends in Korea, 1980-2011.

The Nature of Inequality and its Development over Time
2.1 Main Features of Household Income Distribution
2.2 Wealth and Debt Inequality
2.3 Labor Market Inequality
2.4 Education Inequality
2.5 Conclusion

The Social Impacts of Inequality
3.1. Introduction
3.2 Material deprivation
3.3 Cumulative disadvantage and multidimensional measures of poverty and social exclusion
3.4 Indicators of social cohesion
3.5 Family formation and breakdown, lone parenthood, and fertility
3.6 Health inequalities
3.7 Housing tenure
3.8 Crime and punishment
3.9 Subjective measures of well-being, satisfaction, "happiness"
3.10 Intergenerational mobility
3.11 Conclusions: Appraisal of the interdependence and the 'national story' of inequality drivers and their social impacts

The political and cultural impacts
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Political and civic participation
4.3 Trust in others and in institutions
4.4 Political values and legitimacy
4.5 Values about social policy and welfare state
4.6 Conclusions

Effectiveness of Policies in Combating Inequality
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Labor Market and Industrial Relations Policies
5.3. Taxation
5.4. Social Expenditure
5.5. Conclusion

Data Appendix


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