Welcome to the Idiom Worldб⸸ ص ǥ dz 缭 ߽ Ȱ λ, ϰ tie the knot, a piece of cake, red-handed, forty winksŵ , ũ , , ũ ̰ ϱ? ˽ ƴϰ? 캸ڸ ȥϴ١, Ա⡯, Ρ, ᡯ̶ ̴. ϴٴ Ѵ. 谡 . ۿ , ϴ ó Ȳ ¾ ڲٸ ; ǥ. 츮 ƴϴ. д١ų β١ ܱ ߰ Ǿ ǥ 츮 ͼϰ ִ ӽ ִ. 衻 ϰ ֵ Ȱ¦ ִ å̴. ڴ ϴ Ī ġ ǥ ð ؽƮ ٷ ڴ. װ űϰ ְ ̱ ߴ Ⱓ ߰ ǥ ܳ ƺ å ٷ 衻̴. λ, , Ĺ, , ü, , 11 156 ǥ ٷµ, 156 ġ ʰ ǥ̳ ݴ Ȳ ǥ, ܾ ¤ Ѿ ٸ ǥ ̷Ӱ ̾. ɾ ̾߱⸦ ִ 丮ڸ п ܿ ʾƵ Ӹӿ ǥ ڿ εȴٴ ٸ å 䳻 å ̴. Կ ǥ̴. ʿ ȭ ȴ. ¤ ̾߱ ± å д ڿ ̴ ȿ ִ. å нڿԴ ο ̸ ٿִ ʴ , ɻ簡 پ ȣ ڿԴ ش dzϰ ִ Ű Ѵ. б⸸ ߴµ ܳ ǥ Կ ٰ ̴ ſ غ ٶ.
ѷα: ǥ ִ ŷ { λ ǥ From Cradle to Grave }Ȳ ̸ bearing a baby ¾ be born with a silver spoon ¾ ʾҴ be not born yesterdayȥ̶ ŵ tie the knotԵ ħ have morning sicknessȥĿ shotgun marriageູ ܶ 鶰 head over heelsϷ ƺ Disneyland daddy turn over a new leafһ ٽ ¾ rise like a phoenix join ones ancestors 뷡 swan song{ ǥ Funny Business English } Ʒ ϴ moonlight , a piece of cake Դϴ show someone the door ڴ Ǹ д blow the whistleѾ ״ meet the deadline̸̿ Ȳ golden handcuffsӸ dz brainstorming ʹ Too many cooks spoil the broth{ ġ ǥ Witty Expressions } rubberneckȭ ǥ catch some Zs¿ have money to burnڸ óڰ å д have ones nose in a book Ѿ å page-turner ? I could eat a horseտ eat ones hatȭ Ӹ hit the ceiling ç shoot the moonõ thunder box{ ǥ Frightening Phrases } run around like a headless chicken絿̸ Ⱦ kick the bucket red-handed ذ skeleton in the closet ۿ ̡ let moonlight into a person{ ǥ Animal Phrases } Դ eat crow ˷ ҹ A little bird told me tható duck down1 7ó a dogs age die like a dog߿ fight like cats and dogsó as sick as a dog ø put on the dog beef up bull market/bear market Կ straight from the horses mouth ٸ horse of a different color ߰ ٲ Ÿ change horses in midstream ڳ white elephant ð a whale of a timeͻ콺 ĩ make a monkey of ȥ monkey wedding{ ü ǥ Body Phrases } ټ have gutsȴٸ ġ cost an arm and a leg ִ lend a handʷϻ հ have a green thumb ߾ middle fingerȥ wedding finger have a long face Դ eat ones heart outȲ , heart of gold / heart of stoneԿ ۸ ä zip ones lips̵dz fall on deaf ears ִ a shoulder to cry onŸ up to ones neck ϳ ̷ ̱ win by a noseӸī ÿ Ŵ hang by a hairų Achilles tendon ̴ fresh up Ƽ nervous tissue{ Ĺ ǥ Floral Expressions }̴ϱ ̴ A rose is a roseȫ Tudor roseó lily-liveredտ ϸ gild the lilyȭ ¡ hold out the olive branchǪ catch at a straw Ʈ sow ones wild oatsٳ ϴ go bananas wallflower{ ǥ Colorful Phrases } redneckڿ Ȳ in the black Black Maria ڽ black boxϾ white lie/black lie, white knight/black knight in black and whiteӸ gray matter߸Ҽ û red herring red carpetʷ green with envyĶ ּ green workerູ green flash Ķ blue-bloodedǰ ũ in the pink÷ϴ brown nose{ θ ǥ Famous Names } John Bull U.S Uncle Sam̸ ƹ John Doe/Jane Doe John Hancock ̺ Dear John letterູ κ Darby and Joanʿ Johnny-on-the-spotĺ peeping Tomô뿡 ó Rip Van Winkleȩ Hobsons choice¥ the real McCoyӸ ȳ Freudian slip{ ǥ Famous Places }Ű ĥ Turkey & turkeyƢ 丮? french friesƲ 븣 Norwegian Wood shanghaiij ź carry coals to Newcastleǽ ָ from Missouri ״ Dutch treatȾ double Dutch{ ǥ Number Phrases } zero in onȿ, ȿ! null and void ground zero Ҵ Zero-sum societyū , number one, number twoȭ First Blood翬 two and two make four the Three Wise Men the three wise monkeys four freedoms freedom of speech ° fourth estate5 take five take the Fifthټ հ five-finger discountټ ° fifth wheel6 7 ȥ at sixes and sevensŰ lucky seventh 7 Ұ the Seven Wonders of the Worldȩ ° cloud nine9ϰ a nine days wonder ° ð the eleventh hour13 ݿ Friday the thirteenth the same old seven and six15а fifteen minutes of fame糭 Catch-22 forty winks40Ŀ forty acres and a mule49 巯 forty-niners ϴ 411 four-one-one鸸 մϴ١ Thanks a millionʷα |