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Survival Korean for travelers

Survival Korean for travelers

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This is basic travel Korean book that summarizes necessary words and phrases that helps your stay in Korea. Even though Korean people speak good English, it will be very meaningful if you can speak with local people in their languages while traveling abroad. So if you can understand simple phrases and important words, you will be able to communicate with Korean without difficulty. This book focused on 1200 important sentences, expressions and vocabularies divided by themes and we particularly focused on essential travel conversation and other basic life expressions. Since audio files of all sentences and words are included, it would also be good to know Korean pronunciation and intonation. It can also be used in basic Korean textbook for Korean language learner. Through this book, I hope that many travelers who visit Korea can easily learn korean and have fun in Korea.

Table of Contents
Korean Alphabet
Basic expressions to remember
1. Greeting
2. Greeting 2
3. Self introduction
- Glossary: people, Pronoun & Interrogative
4. Apology
5. Gratitude
6. Request
7. Date & time
- Glossary: day and number
8. Origin
- Glossary: Countries, languages and nationalities
9. Language
10. Opinion
11. Telephone
- Glossary: Electronic equipment
12. Currency Exchange & Postal service
- Glossary: Bank and Postal
13. Weather
- Glossary: Season and weather
14. Transport
- Glossary: Direction and transport
15. Sightseeing
- Glossary: Place and sightseeing
16. Airport
- Glossary: Airport and custom
17. Shopping
- Glossary: Shopping, Fashion and Color
18. Accommodation
- Glossary: Accommodation, room and stationary
19. Restaurant
- Glossary: Restaurant and food
20. Hospital
- Glossary: Body
21. Emergency
Words Index
Link to download MP3 file


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