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翬 ܾ . Ʈ ۰ , ũ ̽ ܾ Ѵ. å , , , پ о߸ ѳ. Ѹ, ƹ  ʾ ϴ ˷ְ TMI ̴. ܾ ̷ ſٴ! . η 縸ŭ̳ ϰ ̷Ӵ. īīũ, , Ƽ ? Ʋ ġ Ҹ⸦ Ⱦ? Ŀ Ÿ Ҽ ? ? ϴ ι Ÿ ߴٰ ϴµ, ׷ Ÿ ? , õ, , źма к , ȭ , ̾߱⿡ ѹ ι ̿ ٽ ѹ . 츮 ų  ˾Ҵ 112 ̾߱⿡ . ġ Ŀ ũ ̽ ϰ ࿡ δ. Ƿ ̴. å ڸ ŵ İ 𸣰ڴ.


: ũ ̽ : ũ ̽ Mark Forsyth ۰ , , ۰, ý . ۵ ķ ٱ ѱ游 ɾ. 2009⿡ α Inky Fool Ͽ ó ִ. : ȫѰ ȭаа ѱܴ п å ϰ ִ. ΰ å ; Ѵ. ű å ε ǥ, 顷 ΰ 濪硷 Ư  ִ.

 ھ A Turn-up for the Books A Game of Chicken Ż Hydrogentlemanly ȯ The Old and New Testicle ȣ Parenthetical Codpieces Ƽ Suffering for My Underwear pan Pans Ȳ 38 Miltonic Meanders ׸Ӵ ٲ ܾ Bloody Typical Semantic Shifts Ǫ The Proof of the Pudding α ҽ Sausage Poison in Your Face Ȱ Bows and Arrows and Cats Black and White Hat Cheque Point Charlie Sex and Bread Concealed Farts Wool ĥ Turkey Insulting Foods ΰ Folk Etymology Butterflies of the World ֱ źм Psychoanalysis and the Release of the Butterfly Ǵ The Villains of the Language , ǻ ϳ Two Executioners and a Doctor ̸ 糪 Thomas Crapper ιھ ع޴ ܾ Mythical Acronyms Ѱ John the Baptist and The Sound of Music , , Organic, Organised, Organs Clipping ޷ Buffalo ȯǹ Antanaclasis ߱ China 쿬 ġ Ģ Coincidences and Patterns 츰 Ӱ Frankly, My Dear Frankfurter ̰ ܱε Beastly Foreigners Ī Pejoratives 뿹 λ Ciao Slave-driver κ Robots ذ ӽ ͹̳ Terminators and Prejudice Terminators and Equators ⵵ Equality in Ecuador Bogeys Bugbears and Bedbugs dz ǻ Von Munchausens Computer SPAM (not spam) Heroin ÿ и Morphing De Quincey and Shelley ְ ֱ Star-Spangled Drinking Songs ź̿ Torpedoes and Turtles Ȱ From Mount Vernon to Portobello Road with a Hangover A Punch of Drinks ķ èǾ The Scampering Champion of the Champagne Campaign ̸ Insulting Names Peter Pan Լҹ Ÿ Herbaceous Communication Papa Was a Saxum Volutum Flying Peters Ƹ޸ Ǫġ Venezuela and Venus and Venice ġ Ź What News on the Rialto? źâ Magazines Dick Snary Ǿ Autopeotomy þƿ ȭ Water Closets for Russia ׺ Fat Gunhilda պ ÷ܱ Queen Gunhilda and the Gadgets Shell In a Nutshell ϸƽ The Iliad The Human Body ټ հ The Five Fingers õ Hoax Bodies ưҸ Bunking and Debunking The Anglo-Saxon Mystery The Sedge-strewn Stream and Globalisation Ŀ Coffee īǪġ븦 Cappuccino Monks θ Called to the Bar ڵ Ignorami ȭ Fossil-less ݺ ̻ The Frequentative Suffix Ŵ޸ ͵ Pending ƲŸ Worms and Their Turnings Mathematics , ⸧ Stellafied and Oily Beavers μ Beards ̾߱ Islands ġ Sandwich Islands ܾ The French Revolution in English Words θ Romance Languages Peripatetic Peoples ̾ƿ ĶϾƱ From Bohemia to California (via Primrose Hill) ĶϾ California ϻ The Hash Guys Drugs ڰ ϸ Pleasing Psalms Biblical Errors ұ Salt ߴ Halcyon Days Dog Days ü Cynical Dogs ׸ ̡ Greek Education and Fastchild ̹ ߾ Cybermen Turning Trix Ƹ߾ Amateur Lovers Dirty Money Death-pledges Wagering War ɵ鸮 Strapped for Cash 罿 Fast Bucks and Dead Ones 罿 The Buck Stops Here ڸ Back to Howth Castle and Environs


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